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Bears, Beets, Bonus Questions: An Office Quiz

Do you have a display case for your Dundies and yogurt lid medals? Do you think Pretzel Day should be a national holiday? Do you know how to dance the Scarn? On February 22nd, come feel God in this pub quiz at “Bears, Beets, Bonus Questions: an Office Quiz!”

This quiz will cover all nine seasons of the show, even those two after Michael left. We’ll mostly be sticking to that, but some familiarity with the various web series and deleted scenes might help during Random Knowledge. Grab your soup snake, mayonnaise and black olives (aka comfort food), and get ready to ri-dit-dit-dit-do some binging!

The quiz is only $5 per player, and the winners will receive a cash prize big enough to keep them from declaring bankruptcy anytime soon. Invite your whole paintball team, because the more people who show up, the bigger the prize. Otherwise, general Geeks Who Drink rules apply. You’re limited to six total players on your team, and you’re not allowed to use your phone during the quiz. Not even to prank call the temp. Again.

Purchase your tickets at!